Ama Consultants helps people move forward by learning about where they have been.

In the Cherokee language, áma (A-ma) means “water”, the essence of life that both carries us into the future and changes our course to ensure our survival.  Amá (a-MA) means salt, water´s residual mineral that marks our path of knowledge and reflective wisdom.



New Project

Standards for Indigenous Community Consultation, annex to Vulnerability Reduction Credits Framework of the Higher Ground Foundation

Ths project is to construct and review standards which support ondigenous rights of Prior Consultation, Free and Informed Consent, and community participation in climate change adaptation planning and implementation. As part of a larger economic modeled credit issuing facility, the standards propose to safeguard indigenous rights while engaging with outside stake holders in adaptation.

Indigenous communities face greatly diverse ecological and human challenges in adapting to climate change. Impacts that alter customary land uses and natural resource based livelihoods pose great risk. Without adequate measures to ensure their economic, social and cultural rights are safeguarded, they may be exposed to counter-productive agendas that fail to alleviate effects of climate change impacts.

Recently Completed

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Gansu's Bailie School Graduates Join the Migration to Guangdong Province 2005-2010

Research carried out by Blake Gentry and Dr. Marjorie King constructed a qualitative study of a unique cohort of rural Chinese migrant workers who were graduates from vocational-technical high schools, regular high school, or a lower level of education from nine central and northern provinces who migrated to work in five different factories located throughout Guangdong Province, China. September, 2016

Exclusion of Indigneous Language Speaking Immigrants in the US Immigration System, a technical review, provideds a policy analysis of federal Limited English Proficiency Policy as applied to immigration practices in three federal departments and four agencies, examples of discrimination against individuals, famulies, and unaccompanied children. A methodology and recommendations are included. June, 2015.

Water and Public Policy Choices Discussions 

An indigenous group composed of a Makurawe delegates, Yoreme delegates, and Yoeme governors as delgates discusssed alternative water policies in Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.      A group of conservationists, tribal water adminstrators and Tohono O'odham Nation, San Xavier District Chair and Vice Chair also discussed alternative public policies on water in October, 2014. Both discussions were sponsored by AmaConsultants and the Interactivtiy Foundation. July, 2014.

Tohono O'odham History, Culture and Language Workshops for Community Members 

Developed for Gente de I'itoi, A.C. Presentations completed from communities gathered in Magdalena, and Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico. Summer / Fall 2013.

Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Presenter: Gender and Regional Climate                   Two presentations were completed in rural Sonora, Mexico based on regional climate data and gender specific groups in distinct ethnic communiites. Sonora, Mexico. Presented for CEADIS,AC. July 2012.

Climate Change Curriculum Discussant.                                                                             As a discussant, for five months I exchanged views with a panel on a range of topics under exploration by the Ineractivity Foundation, culminating with a session in Madison,WI, USA in July 2012.